Milton Hwy90 SR97 aerial Pens Sample_W500
FILE: Milton Hwy90 SR97 aerial Pens Sample_W500.jpg
DESCRIPTION: Intersection of US Hwy 90 and State Route 97; Missing connection on regional Heritage Trail and Multi-use Path
(Image quality reflects source material)
1st Proposal (less ambitious)
-add "porkchop" pedestrian crossing island
-add high-visibility croswalk markings
2nd Proposal (more ambitious)
-improved angle of right turn lanes
(motorist slows for turn, is more likely to yield for pedestrians, and gets better view of approaching traffic)
-tightened turning radii
-added "porkchop" islands
-extended medians
-shortened pedestrian crossing distances
-added high-visibility crosswalk markings
COPYRIGHT: Marcel Schmaedick 2005
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